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Cross Fit Class

FIT Church Ministry Program

Fit Church United

The Purpose

The purpose of the FIT Church Ministry program is to provide churches with a turn-key ministry that serves their members and connects them to their surrounding community using a Christ-centered, gospel-focused approach to health and fitness. Our mission is to plant 1000 fitness ministries in churches across America as we strive to create a culture of good health in the American church. Through this, we aim to reach more people with the good news of Jesus while helping men and women of God establish healthier lifestyles that glorify God and stimulate fellowship.

Cross Fit Class

4 out of 10 adults have two or more chronic illnesses, and many believers are included in that statistic. Why send believers to the world for help when the church can provide the genuine support they need?

My name is Matthew Gay, and for years I’ve coached men and women both one on one toward physical and mental breakthroughs on their health journeys. In addition to this, I’ve hosted free workouts and workshops in churches weekly since 2015, when I committed to using my expertise to empower the church. I’m married with two kids, serve as a worship leader at my church, and run an online Christian Fitness Coaching company called FIT Coach USA. The FIT stands for Faith Inspired Training, hence the name FIT Chruch USA. Ultimately my faith, family, and fitness are my life. Aside from being in nature and spending time with the people in my corner, one of my greatest joys is serving the Lord the way I get to. The FIT Church USA Program is something that took years to develop and after seeing the effect Covid had on so many people who are out of shape including all the lives lost, I think it's safe to say that it has all been for such a time as this.

Let's talk about the features and benefits of the FIT Church USA Program!


FIT Church workouts ignite camaraderie while allowing members to get to know each other In a unique but valuable way, leading to stronger relationships. 



Opening your doors to those who live and work around your church through a fitness ministry creates a new and exciting opportunity for those who don't attend or yet twIleve to interact with your church and members. 



Fit Church gatherings can he used m fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and in so many other ways. Once you get into a rhythm, it's easy to see how these workouts can meld with your current church culture, ministries, and events. 



Knowing that you don have to figure it all out is really nice with something like this. In fact, that may be what makes it possible. We have the experience and will provide you with every tool requed. all you need is a willing vessel and some space.

Cross Fit Class

Benefits to Church Members

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Those fighting for better health are more likely to succeed if they do it with at least one other person. Having a group of other believers on a similar journey drastically increases their chances of committing to the journey long-term. 

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FIT Church workout provides an additional touch point with the church and other believers where the word is discussed on a deeper level and searched for practical application. 



Let's face it. We want members and guests to enjoy their church. When members and guests enjoy your church, they are more likely to attend and bring others. People who attend your church benefits the church to some degree, but it largely benefits them as well, assuming your church is gospel-centered and doctrinally sound. 



Our workouts are designed to Increase functionality and mobility, Improve stamina, stimulate fat loss, and build strength. While we suggest physical activity outside of Fit Church gatherings, these workouts are an excellent addition to any workout program. 

Here’s What Your Membership Includes!

Weekly Workouts

Hand-crafted workouts that produce results and make it fun

Weekly Devotional

A short scripture-themed discussion that's easy to facilitate

7 Day support for the Ministry Leader

For questions, concerns, education, and ideas

FIT Church Mastery Course

To teach you how to run an effective fitness ministry

Start Your Ministry With A Proven Process

Phase 1:


This phase is dedicated to ensuring the ministry leader is confident in their ability to lead the weekly gathering. We also ensure you have the tools to properly promote the ministry among and beyond church members.

Week 1 - Ministry Leader Training | Onboarding
Week 2 - In house promotion / Continued training
Week 3 - Final preparations

Phase 2:


This 2-week phase is dedicated to the official launch and initial growth of the ministry

Week 4 - Promotion in and beyond the church
Week 5 - Launch Week / Feedback

Phase 3:


This phase is dedicated to the continued growth of the ministry as well as the support of the ministry leader(s) as they navigate various times of the year, church happenings, personal life, and other factors of leading the ministry.

FIT Coach USA Coach/Ministry Leader Requirements:

Must be 21 years of age or older

Leadership experience preferred

Must have little to no physical limitations

It needs to be energetic and fun

Must have access to the church (If gatherings are inside)

Must be committed to the growth and leadership of the ministry


Monthly Membership: $30/month

You may cancel at any time

1-Year Membership: $240

You save $84

Just Enrolled or Have a Question?

​​​During this call, we'll discuss the logistics of your participation in the program and move forward to the coordination phase to construct a plan for starting your fitness ministry.

Our goal on this call is to understand you and your church's needs well so we can seamlessly work alongside you to help you serve your community and members well.

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